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The Microsoft Mouse Interface Tutorial
By Matthew Hildebrand (FidoNet 1:247/128.2)
Revision: January 14, 1993
Applications wishing to interface to the mouse should do so via calls to
the industry-standard Microsoft or compatible mouse driver. All calls to
the driver are made through interrupt 33h.
A list of answers to frequently asked questions is at the end of this
Following is a summary of the functions the mouse driver provides.
Function 00h: Reset mouse
Call with AX = 0000h
Return If mouse available
BX = number of buttons
If mouse unavailable
AX = 0000h
Notes Calling this function will initialize the mouse hardware,
position the pointer at the screen center, set the pointer
display page to zero, hide the pointer, reset the pointer
shape to the default, disable any user-defined event
handlers, enable light pen emulation, set the horizontal
mickeys:pixels ratio to 8:8 and the vertical ratio to 16:8,
set the double speed threshold to 64 mickeys/second, and set
both the horizontal and vertical maximum and minimum pointer
bounds to include the entire screen.
See also Function 21h
Function 01h: Show pointer
Call with AX = 0001h
Return Nothing
Notes Calls to Functions 01h and 02h are cumulative; ie., if
Function 01h is called twice, Function 02h must be called
twice before the pointer becomes visible again.
See also Function 02h
Function 02h: Hide pointer
Call with AX = 0002h
Return Nothing
Notes Calls to Functions 01h and 02h are cumulative; ie., if
Function 01h is called twice, Function 02h must be called
twice before the pointer becomes visible again.
See also Function 01h
Function 03h: Get pointer position and button status
Call with AX = 0002h
Return BX = button status
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
CX = x coordinate
DX = y coordinate
Notes Coordinates are always in pixels, where (0,0) is the upper-
left of the screen.
See also Functions 04h-06h
Function 04h: Set pointer position
Call with AX = 0004h
CX = x coordinate
DX = y coordinate
Return Nothing
Notes The new position will be disregarded if it lies within an
exclusion area.
Coordinates are always in pixels, where (0,0) is the upper-
left of the screen.
The position will be modified, if necessary, such that it
lies within the horizontal and vertical limits.
See also Function 03h
Function 05h: Get button press information
Call with AX = 0005h
BX = button
0 = left button
1 = right button
2 = center button
Return AX = button status
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
BX = button press counter (number since last call)
CX = x coordinate of last press
DX = y coordinate of last press
Notes The button press counter for the specified button is reset
to zero following a call to this function.
See also Function 05h
Function 06h: Get button release information
Call with AX = 0006h
BX = button
0 = left button
1 = right button
2 = center button
Return AX = button status
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
BX = button release counter (number since last call)
CX = x coordinate of last release
DX = y coordinate of last release
Notes The button release counter for the specified button is reset
to zero following a call to this function.
See also Function 04h
Function 07h: Set pointer horizontal limits
Call with AX = 0007h
CX = minimum x coordinate
DX = maximum x coordinate
Return Nothing
Notes The two values will be swapped if necessary.
If necessary, the pointer will be moved such that it lies
within the new limits.
See also Functions 08h, 10h
Function 08h: Set pointer vertical limits
Call with AX = 0008h
CX = minimum y coordinate
DX = maximum y coordinate
Return Nothing
Notes The two values will be swapped if necessary.
If necessary, the pointer will be moved such that it lies
within the new limits.
See also Functions 07h, 10h
Function 09h: Set graphics pointer shape
Call with AX = 0009h
BX = hot spot offset from left
CX = hot spot offset from top
ES:DX = segment:offset of image buffer
Return Nothing
Notes The hot spot is the pixel of the image which the driver
considers to be the current position. For instance, an
arrow pointer would have its hot spot at the upper left,
while a crosshairs pointer would have it at the center.
Both the horizontal and vertical offsets must be between -16
and 16 inclusive.
The image buffer's length is 64 bytes. The first 32 consist
of a bitmask which is ANDed with the screen image, and the
second 32 consist of a bitmap which is XORed with the screen
See also Function 0Ah
Function 0Ah: Set text pointer type
Call with AX = 000Ah
BX = pointer type
0 = software cursor
1 = hardware cursor
CX = If BX=0: AND mask
If BX=1: Starting scan line
DX = If BX=0: XOR mask
If BX=1: Ending scan line
Return Nothing
Notes If a software cursor is selected, CX and DX are as follows:
bits 0-7 character code
bits 8-10 foreground colour
bit 11 intensity bit
bits 12-14 background colour
bit 15 blink bit
If the hardware cursor is selected, CX and DX are the
starting and ending scan lines for the blinking cursor which
the video card generates, which will depend upon the video
card used.
Function 0Bh: Read motion counters
Call with AX = 000Bh
Return CX = net horizontal mickey count
DX = net vertical mickey count
Notes This function will return the net mouse displacement since
the last call to this function. The returned values are
measured in mickeys, where a negative value is upwards or to
the left and a positive value is downwards or to the right.
See also Functions 03h, 0Fh
Function 0Ch: Set user-defined mouse event handler
Call with AX = 000Ch
CX = event mask
bit 0 mouse movement
bit 1 left button pressed
bit 2 left button released
bit 3 right button pressed
bit 4 right button released
bit 5 center button pressed
bit 6 center button released
ES:DX = segment:offset of event handler
Return Nothing
Notes On entrance to the handler:
AX = mouse event mask (see Notes)
BX = button states
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
CX = x coordinate of pointer
DX = y coordinate of pointer
DI = raw horizontal mickey count
SI = raw vertical mickey count
DS = mouse driver data segment
The event mask specified in CX is placed in AX before each
call to the handler, regardless of which of the events it
specifies actually occurred.
The handler may be deactivated by calling function 00h or
this function with an event mask of zero.
See also Functions 14h, 18h
Function 0Dh: Activate light pen emulation
Call with AX = 000Dh
Return Nothing
Notes This function activates light pen emulation for IBM BASIC.
The pen down condition is simulated by pressing the left and
right buttons simultaneously.
See also Function 0Eh
Function 0Eh: Deactivate light pen emulation
Call with AX = 000Eh
Return Nothing
Notes None.
See also Function 0Dh
Function 0Fh: Set mickeys to pixels ratio
Call with AX = 0Fh
CX = horizontal mickeys (default=8)
DX = vertical mickeys (default=16)
Return Nothing
Notes The mickey values must be between 1 and 32767 inclusive.
This function will set the number of mickeys necessary for 8
pixels of motion to occur.
See also Functions 13h, 1Ah, 1Bh
Function 10h: Set pointer exclusion area
Call with AX = 0010h
CX = upper left x coordinate
DX = upper left y coordinate
SI = lower right x coordinate
DI = lower right y coordinate
Return Nothing
Notes This function defines an exclusion area wherein the pointer
is not displayed. The exclusion area is cancelled by a call
to function 00h or 01h, or replaced by another call to this
See also Functions 00h-02h
Function 13h: Set double speed threshold
Call with AX = 0013h
DX = speed in mickeys/second
Return Nothing
Note This function sets the minimum speed necessary before
pointer motion will double. The default is 64
mickeys/second; doubling can be disabled by setting DX to a
large value.
See also Functions 0Fh, 1Ah, 1Bh
Function 14h: Swap user-defined mouse event handlers
Call with AX = 0014h
CX = event mask
bit 0 mouse movement
bit 1 left button pressed
bit 2 left button released
bit 3 right button pressed
bit 4 right button released
bit 5 center button pressed
bit 6 center button released
ES:DX = segment:offset of event handler
Return CX = previous event mask
ES:DX = segment:offset of previous event handler
Notes On entrance to the handler:
AX = mouse event flags (see Notes)
BX = button states
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
CX = x coordinate of pointer
DX = y coordinate of pointer
DI = raw horizontal mickey count
SI = raw vertical mickey count
DS = mouse driver data segment
The handler may be deactivated by calling function 00h or
this function with an event mask of zero.
See also Functions 0Ch, 18h
Function 15h: Get save state buffer size
Call with AX = 0015h
Return BX = buffer size in bytes
Notes Before running any external programs, applications should
save the mouse driver state; doing so will ensure that any
event handlers, sensitivity settings, or other settings will
remain intact. Of course, the driver state should be
restored when the external program is complete.
See also Functions 16h, 17h
Function 16h: Save driver state
Call with AX = 0016h
ES:DX = segment:offset of buffer
Return Nothing
Note Before running any external programs, applications should
save the mouse driver state; doing so will ensure that any
event handlers, sensitivity settings, or other settings will
remain intact. Of course, the driver state should be
restored when the external program is complete.
See also Functions 15h, 17h
Function 17h: Restore driver state
Call with AX = 0017h
ES:DX = segment:offset of buffer
Return Nothing
Note Before running any external programs, applications should
save the mouse driver state; doing so will ensure that any
event handlers, sensitivity settings, or other settings will
remain intact. Of course, the driver state should be
restored when the external program is complete.
See also Functions 15h, 16h
Function 18h: Set alternate mouse event handler
Call with AX = 0018h
CX = event mask
bit 0 mouse movement
bit 1 left button pressed
bit 2 left button released
bit 3 right button pressed
bit 4 right button released
bit 5 center button pressed
bit 6 center button released
ES:DX = segment:offset of event handler
Return If successful
AX = 0018h
If unsuccessful
Notes On entrance to the handler:
AX = mouse event flags (see Notes)
BX = button states
bit 0 left button down (if set)
bit 1 right button down (if set)
bit 2 center button down (if set)
CX = x coordinate of pointer
DX = y coordinate of pointer
DI = raw horizontal mickey count
SI = raw vertical mickey count
DS = mouse driver data segment
The handler may be deactivated by calling function 00h.
As many as three alternate event handlers, with unique event
masks, may be installed.
See also Functions 0Ch, 14h
Function 19h: Get address of alternate mouse event handler
Call with AX = 0019h
CX = event mask
Return If successful
CX = event mask
ES:DX = segment:offset of alternate event handler
If unsuccessful
CX = 0000h
Notes None.
See also Function 18h
Function 1Ah: Set sensitivity
Call with AX = 001Ah
BX = horizontal mickeys (default=8)
CX = vertical mickeys (default=16)
DX = double speed threshold (default=64)
Return Nothing
Notes This function will set the number of mickeys necessary for 8
pixels of motion to occur, as well as the double speed
See also Functions 0Fh, 13h, 1Bh
Function 1Bh: Get mouse sensitivity
Call with AX = 001Bh
Return BX = horizontal mickeys
CX = vertical mickeys
DX = double speed threshold
Notes None.
See also Functions 0Fh, 13h, 1Ah
Function 1Ch: Set mouse interrupt rate
Call with AX = 001Ch
BX = interrupt rate flags
bit 0 no interrupts (if set)
bit 1 30 interrupts/second (if set)
bit 2 50 interrupts/second (if set)
bit 3 100 interrupts/second (if set)
bit 4 200 interrupts/second (if set)
Return Nothing
Notes This function will only affect InPort mice.
See also Function 24h
Function 1Dh: Set pointer page
Call with AX = 001Dh
BX = page
Return Nothing
Notes Valid page numbers depend on the active display mode.
See also Function 1Eh
Function 1Eh: Get pointer page
Call with AX = 001Eh
Return BX = page
Notes None.
See also Function 1Dh
Function 1Fh: Disable mouse driver
Call with AX = 001Fh
Return If successful
AX = 001Fh
ES:BX = segment:offset of previous INT 33h handler
If unsuccessful
Notes This function causes the mouse driver to release all
interrupts other than INT 33h. The driver may then be
effectively removed by restoring the previous contents of
the INT 33h vector.
See also Function 20h
Function 20h: Enable mouse driver
Call with AX = 0020h
Return Nothing
Notes Calling this function will re-enable the mouse driver and
the servicing of mouse interrupts.
See also Function 1Fh
Function 21h: Reset mouse driver
Call with AX = 0021h
Return If mouse support available
BX = number of buttons
If mouse support unavailable
AX = 0021h
Notes The difference between this function and function 00h is
that this function performs no initialization of the mouse
See also Function 00h
Function 22h: Set language for driver messages
Call with AX = 0022h
BX = language code
0 = English
1 = French
2 = Dutch
3 = German
4 = Swedish
5 = Finnish
6 = Spanish
7 = Portuguese
8 = Italian
Return Nothing
Notes This function is available only with international versions
of the mouse driver.
See also Function 23h
Function 23h: Get language
Call with AX = 0023h
Return BX = language code
Notes This function is available only with international versions
of the mouse driver.
See also Function 22h
Function 24h: Get mouse information
Call with AX = 0024h
Return BH = major version number of driver
BL = minor version number of driver
CH = mouse type
1 = bus mouse
2 = serial mouse
3 = InPort mouse
4 = PS/2 mouse
5 = HP mouse
CL = IRQ number
0 = PS/2
2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 = IRQ number
Notes None.
See also None.
Q: When I write something to the screen, it overwrites the mouse pointer.
Then, when I move the mouse, the pointer comes back, along with a
rectangle of outdated screen information. What do I do?
A: The mouse driver keeps track of what was behind the pointer so that it
may be restored when the mouse is moved. To avoid this problem, hide
the pointer before writing to the screen, then show it when you're
Q: When I'm in 320x200x256 mode or text mode, the driver returns
incorrect coordinate values. What's wrong?
A: For whatever reason, the mouse driver returns values in this way when
in these modes. In 320x200x256 mode, the driver uses horizontal
values which are actually twice the real value; shift the real value
left one bit when passing a coordinate to the driver, and shift the
returned value right one bit before using a value returned by the
driver. Note that this shifting is only necessary for the horizontal
coordinate. As for text mode, it's something of a similar absurd
nature, such as twice the real value in one direction and thrice in
the other, but I'm not sure.
Q: What the hell's a mickey, anyway?
A: The mickey is the smallest amount of motion the mouse can detect. One
mickey is 1/200" on a 200 DPI mouse, 1/400" on a 400 DPI mouse, etc..
Q: How do I get those nifty-looking 256-colour mouse pointers?
A: You write a mouse event handler which will be called whenever the
mouse moves. You may also wish to trap INT 33h for calls such as hide
pointer and show pointer.
End of document